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Brad Korbesmeyer

God and Handwritten Notes Are Dead

OK, I'm not sure about the "God is Dead" part, but postal mail is now reserved for endless pleas for charitable donations and coupons that no one uses. An occasional bill will slip through, but is inevitably replaced with
e-billing. The thrill of receiving a handwritten note of thanks or hello or get well or get stuffed is no longer. The heart flutters if a mass-produced letter for burial at sea services somehow makes it to your door. Hell, many school districts are not teaching cursive writing any more as it is "obsolete." As long as you can approximate a signature or a nice looking "X," you'll be fine in today's society.

With this in mind, it seemed a perfect fit for the Brater Agency to choose note cards as its first line of products available for sale. The futility of this marketing decision fits perfectly with our business ethos.

Each collection includes four flat notecards
with an artwork side and a blank side. It's this blank side that some of us will use to craft pithy and heartfelt sentences of our own making. How about a pen-and-ink drawing, like the ones sprinkled throughout The New Yorker? (It's a magazine with really long articles.) The $10 cost also includes four envelopes, shipping, handling and tax. So easy. Simply click on "Shop" on the Brater Agency website home page and take a stand for encroaching obsolescence.

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Jul 21, 2022

I just know you'll sell thousands!

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